Mileage Tracker

Over a million satisfied users of our Apps

Mileage Tracker


mileage tracker

Mileage is tracked and logged automatically in the background, for every trip you drive.

Mileage Tracker


trip detection

Automatic trip detection, removes the pain of manual trip tracking. It makes sure that no trip is missed. Minimize your App and start tracking in the background all the time.

Mileage Tracker
Tax Deduction

Tax Deduction

based on latest IRS rates

The IRS offers standard mileage deductions for business and medical travel. Keeping thorough records is essential for optimizing tax benefits.

Classify Trips

Classify Trips

automatically classify trips

Automatically classifies trips as Business, Charity, Medical or Personal based on usage can sub-classify based on names too.

Mileage Tracker
Mileage Tracker


convenient reports with just a tap

Generate trip reports in PDF or CSV format with just a tap. Track expenses, mileage, and more. Easy to generate and customize. Great for reimbursement or record-keeping.

Mileage Tracker

What our users say

Don't just take our word for it! We think Swift Miles is the best mileage tracking App you will ever use, and we think you will too!